Photo of Ladislao Kelity Argentina

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Ladislao KELITY nascent Hungra, Transylvania, in 1944. Arrive Buenos Aires in 1948. It's Argentina for adoption. Cursestudios at the Academy of Fine Arts Augusto Bolognini. Painter, draftsman, sculptor. It desempeo as textile designer and industry, also as an illustrator and graphic. Currently runs her studio drawing and painting. Awards: 2005 First Prize in Drawing, National Salon of Visual Arts, Buenos Aires, Palais de...

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Photo of Ladislao Kelity Argentina

Ladislao KELITY nascent Hungra, Transylvania, in 1944. Arrive Buenos Aires in 1948. It's Argentina for adoption. Cursestudios at the Academy of Fine Arts Augusto Bolognini. Painter, draftsman, sculptor. It desempeo as textile designer and industry, also as an illustrator and graphic. Currently runs her studio drawing and painting. Awards: 2005 First Prize in Drawing, National Salon of Visual Arts, Buenos Aires, Palais de Glace. 2001 First Prize Annual Salon of Drawing and Engraving, Guaman Poma Drawing and Printing Museum 2001 Second Prize XXXV National Salon of Engraving and Art, Palais de Glace Buenos Aires 2000 Mention, 1 Nacional de Entre Ros Salon of Drawing and Engraving, Concepcion del Uruguay 2000 First Annual Salon Prize Drawing and Print Format Guaman Poma de Pequeo, Concepcion del Uruguay Drawing and Printing Museum 1999 - First Prize Annual Salon Santa Fe (Rosa Galisteo Rodriguez) 1999 - Honorary Mention Pampeano Salon Plastic Arts. XXXIV Award Salon 1998 Third National Print and Drawing. 1998 - First Prize Salon Esteban Echeverria. 1998 - Special Jury Prize (Ada Carballo). 1997 - Second Prize Salon Esteban Echeverria. 1997 - First Prize Drawing Salon, University of La Boca. 1997 - First Prize Open Salon SAAP (drawing). 1997 - First Prize Rock Museum. (Picture) 1997 - Manuel Belgrano Salon Mention, Museum Svori. (Picture) 1996 - First Prize SAAP Autumn Salon (drawing). 1996 - First Prize II Salon Corfodelta, Tigre Museum (drawing). 1996 - XXXII Salon Mention National Print and Drawing. 1995 - Third Prize Open Salon SAAP. 1995 - First Salon Corfodelta Third Prize, Museum Tigre (drawing). 1995 - Autumn Salon Mention SAAP. 1995 - Special Mention Drawing V Annual Salon La Lucila. 1994 - First Prize in October Hall of SAAP (Sociedad Argentina de Artistas plastic). 1994 - Special Mention Drawing IV Annual Salon La Lucila. 1971 - Third Contest Prize AURORA, CAYC (Center for Art and communication). Rooms in which it was selected: 1999 Salon Designs End of the Century (Museum Svori). 1999 Award for artistic creativity (National Endowment for the Arts). 1997 - University of La Boca Salon. 1997 - Salon Museo Roca. 1997 - Salon Svori Municipal Museum. 1997 - Salon Opening SAAP. 1996 - XXXII National Salon of Engraving and Drawing. 1996 - Autumn Salon SAAP. 1996 - II Salon Corfodelta, Tigre Museum (drawing). 1995 - XXXI National Salon of Engraving and Drawing. 1995 - V Annual Drawing Salon La Lucila. 1995 - Autumn Salon SAAP. 1995 - Manuel Belgrano Salon. 1995 - Salon Opening SAAP. 1995 - First Salon Corfodelta, Tigre Museum (drawing). 1994 - XXX National Salon of Engraving and Drawing. 1994 - Chandon Salon of Drawing and Engraving, Museum of Fine Arts. 1994 - Annual Salon Santa Fe 1994 - First Hall of SAAP October (Sociedad Argentina de Artistas plastic). 1994 - IV Salon Annual Draw Lucila. 1994 - Drawing III Annual Salon La Lucila. 1993 - XXIX National Salon of Engraving and Drawing Office Province of San Juan. 1992 - XXVIII National Salon of Engraving and Drawing, Province of Neuqun Headquarters. 1983 - LXXII National Salon of Plastic Arts, National Chambers. 1978 - XLIV Hall of Rosario, Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino. 1978 - National Salon XIV prints and drawings, National Chambers. 1976 - XXVII Painting Salon La Plata, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes. 1971 - AURORA Award, CAYC (Center for Art and Communications). 1966 - First National Tapestry Salon, Museum of Modern Art. Group Exhibitions: 1969 - spoke in an exhibition at the Hngaro. 1976 - Involved in an exhibition at Art Galley. 1976 - spoke at a show in the gallery Palermo House. 1977 - Involved in the Trends sample of National plastic in Palermo House Galera. 1977 - spoke at a show in the gallery Palermo House. 1982 - spoke at a show in the gallery Yurema Barracks, Punta del Este. 1983 - Involved in an exhibition at the Italian Cultural Center. 1983 - spoke at a show in the gallery Yurema Barracks, Punta del Este. 1993 - spoke at a show in the Galera Lagard. 1994 - spoke at a show in the gallery Yurema Barracks, Punta del Este. 1997 spoke at a show in the Galera De Santis. Solo Exhibitions: 1964 - Hngaro Center. 1967 - Art Assiciation Mystic, Connecticut, USA 1969 - Hngaro Center. 1982 - Today at the Art Galley. 1982 - Galera Spacio Amalfi, Uruguay. 1982 - Club Nautico Hacoaj Galera. 1984 - Galera Lagard. 1988 - Galera Lagard. 1990 - Galera Lagard. 1998 - Galera De Santi-2004 Galera De Santi have written about his work: Cesar Magrini, Jorge Feinsilver, Roosevelt Hernandez, O. Couple Nuez, M. Belgrano, Rafael Squirru, Enrique Horacio Gen, Blas Vidal, Laura Feinsilber, Luis Salvarezza, Oscar Esteban Luna, Dr. Jorge Taverna Irigoyen Ladislao Kelity Address: Juncal 840 6th floor apt. F CP 1062 Private Telephone: Telephone Survey 4393-5845: 4313-4098 N CI: 4,018,148

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